了解公共政策及其在政府中的实施方式, nonprofit or public institutions. Our Bachelor of Science in Public Administration degree prepares you for roles in both the public and private sectors and covers everything from civil leadership, business and governmental law to finance and budgeting.
Save time 还有你学士学位的钱和合格的转学分.
No application fee
No essay required
Ignite Your Passion
Start when you're ready
Education should hold practical value. That’s why our courses meet rigorous academic standards and provide you with skills and knowledge immediately applicable to your career.
你需要120学分来完成这个公共管理理学学士学位. 您的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜安排可能会根据可转换学分或通过大学获得的学分而有所不同 Prior Learning Assessment.
Learning shouldn’t take years to put into practice. 这就是为什么我们在每五到六周的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中让你建立与职业相关的技能.
We’ve worked with the labor market researcher Lightcast to identify in-demand skills for occupations and mapped those to our related associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.
Get credit for what you already know. Earn your degree without starting from scratch. 以前的相关工作和生活经历是否被评估为潜在的信用. If you have military or law enforcement training, such as Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy 培训,你可以申请获得最多30个学分.
固定的,负担得起的学费带来了内心的平静. 从你注册的那一刻起,直到你从你的项目毕业的那一天,你将享受一个统一的费率. That’s your Tuition Guarantee.
Phoenix | |
Cost per credit
Credits per course
Tuition per course
Total program length in credits
Length of course in weeks
One fee per course
Tuition guarantee
Data pulled on March 26, 2024
[1] $365 per 1000-2000 level credit; $415 per 3000-4000 level credit
Source of data: For each institution, the data are publicly available in multiple locations, including Academic Catalogs, Program pages, Tuition and fees pages, and syllabi. All data are publicly available on the websites.
某些执照推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和其他学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可能会有额外的费用. Please check with your advisor or course catalog for additional info.
Eligible students saved:
$11,000 & 1 year
Students with eligible credits and relevant experience 平均节省了1.1万美元,比他们在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜获得本科学位的时间提前了一年.
Eligible students saved:
$11,000 & 1 year
Students with eligible credits and relevant experience 平均节省了1.1万美元,比他们在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜获得本科学位的时间提前了一年.
Careers & Outcomes
A BSPA can prepare you to be a:
Top skills learned in this program:
Public Administration
Data Driven Decision Making
Problem Solving
当你在网上获得公共管理学士学位时, 你将掌握一套具体的技能,可以在工作中运用. You’ll learn how to:
9% Growth
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics在美国,社会和社区服务经理的就业增长预计为 much faster than average between 2022 and 2032.
美国劳工统计局2022-2032年预计增长由美国劳工统计局发布. 这些数据反映了劳工统计局对全国(而非地方)状况的预测. 这些数据点并不特定于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生或毕业生.
开始攻读学位是一个重大的决定——我们希望你对此感觉良好. That’s why we remove obstacles from your application.
How to enroll at University of Phoenix
Gabriel G., Enrollment Rep
You have a support team of real people you can lean on. And our academic counselors, who are with you every step of the way, 获得85%学生的五星评价.[1]
Call us at 844-937-8679 or chat with us 7 days a week.
Student Experience
努力攻读学位,但不要放弃最重要的东西. 全年开始你的学位学习,每次只上一门课.
Faculty Spotlight
你的成功是我们院长和教职员工的首要任务. 他们将平均29年以上的经验和实践视角带入课堂, 并帮助弥合学术和行业知识之间的差距.
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜一直被高等教育委员会(HLC)认可, hlcommission.org, since 1978.
December 29, 2021 • 7 Minutes
Public administration consists of services we all rely on in every community to implement government policy and public service. 公共行政人员在公共部门的地方和联邦实体和部门工作, as well as in non-profit organizations.
公共管理学位可以帮助你为公共和非营利部门的角色做好准备. The degree covers topics such as civil leadership, city and county operations, finance and budgeting, grant writing, public policy and ethics, and many more public admin related topics.
Our online public administration degree is designed specifically so that working professionals like you can earn it without leaving your current role. The degree helps you build a strong foundation in public administration while teaching the leadership skills to help prepare you for a career in the field. 您将向目前在公共部门工作的教师学习, and you’ll be able to join our large alumni network. Additionally, our Career Services for Life® commitment helps students in their current position and prepares them for career enhancement with career planning, resumé help and more.
虽然广泛使用,但并非所有计划都适用于所有州的居民. Please check with a University Enrollment Representative.